O-TTPS Certification In an era where technology supply chains face growing threats from counterfeit and maliciously tainted components, the O-TTPS (Open Trusted Technology Provider Standard) Certification, also known as ISO/IEC 20243, emerges as a beacon of assurance....
Understanding the Relationship between ISO Certification and Government Contracts Securing a government contract is a complex process that demands a strategic approach and careful attention to detail. From the initial release of the contract to the final awarding,...
The ISO Internal Audit Process Explained The journey to achieving ISO 9001 certification is a meticulous process that ensures an organization’s quality management system (QMS) meets international standards. This process not only demonstrates the organization’s...
Understanding How to Avoid False Claims Act Violations In today’s highly regulated environment, understanding the intricacies of the False Claims Act (FCA) is imperative for organizations, particularly those within the defense sector. The False Claims Act serves...
Please Note: The Revision of ISO 9001 has been extended to be finalized in 2026 The revision of ISO 9001, the globally recognized standard for quality management systems, is now expected to be postponed until 2026. Initially, the updated version was planned for...
ISO 27001 Climate Change Amendment Effective Immediately In response to the escalating challenges posed by climate change, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has introduced a significant amendment to its Management System Standards. Effective...